Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random test

The following picture has nothing to do with the kids. Just trying something out. But speaking of the kids - yes, I am very behind with entries. Camera issues. Ugh. Does anything ever go smoothly??

Janie and Jack Silk Dress

Sunday, October 17, 2010

And I Don't "Craft" Either

Let's just start by saying there is a very good reason why my sister handles the craft projects in my children's lives.

I Don't Craft.

And here's why...

This is a project L bought today at the store. A simple pop together haunted house. No glue required. Alright! Pop together. Great. Let's craft!

HA! Getting just this far with the house took over an hr and many tears. Yes, they were mine - the house comes with vague directions. Pop A into C while balancing G on your head. Or something like that. This was a mess. (and the other 100 (or so it seemed) pieces are on the floor)

Oh and please take note of the gorilla glue in the picture. Yeah, "no glue required" is seriously up for debate. This project was so frustrating I went straight for the big guns - gorilla glue. No messing around with elmers for me. It was time to get serious. For those who don't know much about the stuff ..... My mother and I used it to rebuild my kitchen drawers. It's liquid steel. Never met a substance it couldn't bond.

Until today. The gorilla got it's butt kicked by a "no glue required" pop together foam craft project. No matter what we did or how long we held it together - it came apart. Finally L threw In the towel and went outside to play. But I was driven. Will - not - be - beaten - by -craft. V is sleeping, L is playing and there I sit wrestling with glue and foam. Luckily there is no picture of that.

Fast forward an undetermined amount of time and I admit defeat and abandon the project.

And did I mention that V has a matching candy house? I think I am just giving her cash to get her to "forget about it". That's right, I bribe my children. It's all about survival out here on the golf course.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Future bag lady in training? What other explanation can there be?!?

Friday, October 8, 2010

You Moved Where?!?

Really, who would have thought I would ever move out of the city and to rural Virginia ??? And yet here I am, passing the cow pasture on my way to L's swim team practice. (try to stop laughing everyone).

So what's up with this blog thing? Well, I need a hobby. Or a voice. Or a direction. Or maybe none of those.

In my journey to find out - I thought I would share my musings with my family and friends.

Oh and there is lots to share!